The National Sports Foundation of the Republic of Moldova signed cooperation agreements with the American University of Moldova and the University of Political and Economic European Studies "Constantin Stere"

By Ion Vinaga Sport
21 Dec 2018 @ 12:21

Collaboration agreements were signed on the 20th  December, 2018 by the leaders of these organizations: Mr. Ion Vinaga, President of the National Sports Federation of Moldova, and Mr. Gheorghe Avornic, President of the AUM Senate and Rector of UPEES.


President of the AUM Senate and Rector of UPEES
Ion Viniga


Mr. Ion Viniga said that the National Sport Foundation aims to increase the impact of practicing sports activities among students. "In partnership, we want to give young people the opportunity to practice sports activities for health, in the spirit of competition and to enjoy the beauty of working with other students. NSF promotes sports among students, encouraging them to have an active lifestyle where recreation, good mood, competitiveness and fair play are at the forefront," Mr. Vinaga said.


According to the documents, the parties agreed on common co-operation in creating conditions for systematic physical and sport education, developing and promoting physical and sports education among students, forming a healthy lifestyle.


It is intended to exchange information, consultations, joint workshops, roundtables, promotion of partnerships for the joint organization of sporting events.


In turn, Mr. Gheorghe Avornic said that the students of these institutions manage to perfectly combine the good results with the outstanding performances in sports. "We hope for fruitful collaboration. Future plans are to increase the number of sports competitions involving as many universities as possible."

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