Work on what inspires you!

By Ion Vinaga Life
04 Mar 2021 @ 07:03

These words perfectly characterize Ion Vinaga, who manages several businesses in
various fields, while simultaneously doing charity work in support of young and
talented athletes, children in need of a family and home (CCF Moldova), people in
need of support and social protection, churches, academic staff, etc.
As Chairman of the “I AM FUTURE” Foundation and the National Sports
Foundation of Moldova, fascinated by all new trends in science, culture, sports, he
participated and acted as an investor many times in many projects aimed at
improving people's lives.
One of these projects is a residential complex of a new generation Dream Home
Residence, located in the center of our capital.
The young digital generation is more economical and rational in its attitude to
natural and energy resources, shows an active interest in applied sciences and
technologies, they are characterized by "ecological thinking" and an emphasis on a
healthy lifestyle. That is why creativity and the use of high quality,
environmentally friendly innovative materials and modern construction methods
were used in this project. From the point of view of modern engineering solutions,
this complex can certainly be called unique.
The Home of your dreams is a good example of Smart home and home
automation, a combination of comfort and functionality taken to a new level.
And this is a lifestyle that is right for you!

In recent years, the topic of escaping from the city and returning to the village has
become more and more popular. The very format of life in the suburbs has also
changed: ordinary dachas and collective farms have been replaced by eco-farms,
with an emphasis on organic farming, alternative energy, and an ecological
approach to land.
Such an opportunity will be provided by the implementation of an ecovillage
project in the Tohatin commune with ecological houses for a stable future.

Ion Vinaga pays special attention to the search for opportunities to create a
regional Amazon logistics center, to create opportunities for domestic producers to
enter international markets and promote the Republic of Moldova there.
As a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, looking for solutions in the field of healthy
nutrition, fitness, longevity, he created the NextMe platform in the USA 5 months
ago together with Christina Onofrei, a professional fitness and nutrition trainer.
Within this platform they conduct testing with subsequent implementation in our
country of the most effective solutions in the field of maintaining immunity, diets,
and mixtures of medicinal plants. This platform has brought together many of our
fellow citizens from the Diaspora. A massive participation in the 21-day challenge
proves this as well as possible. It began on February 22 and will end with the
presentation of prizes to the most diligent and motivated participants.
Through his daily example and deeds, Ion Vinaga shows us that even in the hard
times, difficulties can be overcome. How? Through sports, positive thinking and
caring for each other. Beyond the challenges of nature, let's challenge ourselves
and that will be the greatest motivation for everyone.

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