Amirah Invest is going to participate at the Cyber Week 2018 in Chișinău. An event intended for enhancing cyber security In the age of computers, the Internet and information networks that become more and more ubiquitous, security is vital, especially for companies with online presence. Cyber Week 2018 is an event related to information and communication technologies – an exceptional forum t...
În perioada 29 Octombrie – 02 Noiembrie în Moldova s-a desfășurat un eveniment regional unical dedicat securității cibernetice, care a întrunit peste 300 de participanți și cei mai reprezentativi experți, funcționari publici, persoane din mediul de afaceri din domeniul TIC, experți și profesioniști specializați în securitatea cibernetică, prevenirea crimelor informati...
The unprecedented event, which lasted 5 days, held its first Conference on October 29, 2018. Speakers from various companies participated at the conference, such as Amirah Invest, whose founder supports and actively participates in the development of several scientific fields. Ion Vinaga is also the initiator of several projects and events that play a considerable role in supporting the education...