The unprecedented event, which lasted 5 days, held its first Conference on October 29, 2018. Speakers from various companies participated at the conference, such as Amirah Invest, whose founder supports and actively participates in the development of several scientific fields. Ion Vinaga is also the initiator of several projects and events that play a considerable role in supporting the education and science in the Republic of Moldova.
Thus, during the conference, specialists in the information technology industry reviewed and analyzed the main challenges in establishing an IT space, and speakers made their contribution to optimizing cybernetics.
The sixth edition of the Conference at the "Cyber Week" event stood out not only for the contribution to the development and optimization of cybernetics, but also for the distinctive approach to such a convention.
Also during the event, organic products from the Republic of Moldova were promoted, and participants and guests enjoyed the taste of the most select fruits of our country. Apples, pears and grapes made the event more special and brought authentic Moldavian autumn to the attention of foreign guests. Therefore, the event was not only a purely scientific one, but also had a role in promoting Moldovan organic products.
The Republic of Moldova, through small but steady steps, is moving on the path of evolution and development, both in the field of information technology and in other areas that are essential to the quality of human life. Events like Cyber Week 2018 are proof of that.
Amirah Invest is going to participate at the Cyber Week 2018 in Chișinău. An event intended for enhancing cyber security In the age of computers, the Internet and information networks that become more...
În perioada 29 Octombrie – 02 Noiembrie în Moldova s-a desfășurat un eveniment regional unical dedicat securității cibernetice, care a întrunit peste 300 de participanți și cei...
Mr. Ion Vinaga, Co-founder at Days Exchange, was invited to meetings with Swiss officials and legal advisors, on Friday, November 30. Among those, we can name, is Astrid Stuckelberger. https://www.lin...