The next educational event Digital Assets with Swisscom BlockChain will take place on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 in Zurich: a dinner and discussions about digital assets. At the event, organized by SWISS BANKING ADVISORY, experts from Swisscom BlockChain and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences are expected, both institutions being leaders in innovations in Swiss market.
Mr. Ion Vanga, investor, businessman and founder of several IT companies is also officially invited to this event.
În perioada 29 Octombrie – 02 Noiembrie în Moldova s-a desfășurat un eveniment regional unical dedicat securității cibernetice, care a întrunit peste 300 de participanți și cei...
On 4 and 5 October 2018, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Dezvoltări recente în dreptul obligațiilor” was held at the Faculty of Law of Moldova State University...
On the 4th of December, 2018, in London, Mr. Ion Vinaga will participate in meetings with Mr. Cyrus Vandrevala, co-founder and Vice Chairman of Intrepid Capital Partners LLC, an investor in private co...